The producer, Don Miguel of Dons Music, engaged Patrice Aboulicam of Radix to direct the video. Patrice chose to film the band on two full day sessions in two locations. The first location was a rehearsal space in Fort-de-France Martinique, and the second was the stunningly beautiful grounds of the JM Rum refinery in Macouba.

Fal Frett's instruments were already set up and we got straight down to work. The audio was played from a cd player and under the hot lights we began miming or playing along to the track as Patrice and his assistant filmed us. We were all fairly enthusiastic and bushy-tailed as we performed the first few times through the song. As the day wore on and the number of our run-throughs or 'takes' increased, we realized what hard work it can be filming a music video. By 5pm at the end of the shoot we were jokingly in agreement that we would never play the song again - ever! That same night we played a gig at La Croisiere, a local Martinique jazz club, and sure enough Mi Fugue didn't show up on the set list!
Nestled under a volcano and framed by a stream, well kept lawns and gardens, the distilliery was the ideal place for a video shoot. Even though we started in the morning, the air was steaming from the heat and we glanced anxiously skyward watching the occassional rain clouds making low passes over the hills around us. Patrice made some quick decisions about our wardrobe and the locations for each individual musician then he got to work filming us in turn.

We were so hot our clothes clung to us like street beggars and in two minutes our faces were covered in perspiration. Fortunately during both days of the shoot we had a charming makeup artist Stéphanie Montlouis-Calixte who kept us looking good in the heat of the day without resorting to plastic surgery. It turned out that Stephanie was also skilled in the sandwich making department creating tasty baguettes for us at the end of the day.
After our filming was complete the kind staff at JM Rhum distillery unlocked the massive doors to their huge warehouse that contained hundreds upon hundreds of rum barrels stacked to the ceiling.
As we eagerly stepped inside, the smell alone was enough to give us a pleasant high - the perfect ending to a very special video shoot!
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